Friday, June 15, 2007

The Magical Spell of Bangalore

You can take a person out of Bangalore, but you can never take Bangalore out of him. Here is my friend "Dums" somewhere out there in Bushland going to the extent of taking a license plate "BENGLUR" just to remind him of his roots every time he takes the car out!!!

Can anyone beat this love for Bangalore, and how we yearn to get back every time you go out of this lovely city


Paul Nixon said...

I'd like to see him driving that monster through the back streets of Ulsoor.

Ish said...

sure, if he ever moves back to Bangalore along with that monster

Smi said...

//You can take a person out of Bangalore, but you can never take Bangalore out of him.
Well said!
And kudos to your friend who carries the spirit of "Namma Bengaluru" wherever he goes!:)

Raaga said...

only the ones who leave know the pain... :-)

Thanks for the comment in my blog... I'll see how I can change it.